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(The AND Lab)


Pat Bergantin

Coordenação de Comunicação
Núcleo Local São Paulo
Participante do Coletivo AND

Pat Bergantin é artista de dança. Como educadora se dedica a partilhar sua prática Corpo Antena, que reconhece o corpo como transmissor, receptor, modulador e transdutor de forças. Sua pesquisa trabalha com a percepção de corpo-campo, reativando a autonomia relacional e integrando tanto aspectos físicos, mentais e emocionais, quanto sociais, ancestrais e espirituais. Também faz parte da equipe pedagógica da Escola do Reparar do Modo Operativo AND, metodologia de cunho ético-estético e político para a investigação experiencial da relação e da reciprocidade, criada pela antropóloga e artista brasileira Fernanda Eugenio. Integra o núcleo AND Lab São Paulo e o AND Collective. Como coreógrafa e dançarina destacam-se os trabalhos "Mandíbula", "Égua" e "Contágio", em colaboração com Josefa Pereira, e "Monstra", de Elisabete Finger e Manuela Eichner. Apresentou-se em lugares como Moderna Museet na Suécia (2020), Bienal de Dança SP (2019), Festival Internacional de Dança do Uruguai (FIDCU) (2018) e Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM-SP) (2018). Em sua trajetória estudou em Veneza (Itália), Bruxelas (Bélgica), Havana (Cuba) e NY (EUA), e trabalhou com Marta Soares, Jorge Garcia além de em produções internacionais de artistas como Jerôme Bel, Tino Sehgal, Angie Hiesl & Roland Kaiser e Yvonne Rainer. Formada em Balé Clássico pela Escuela Nacional de Cuba, é graduada no curso de Letras da USP.  (foto: Biel Basile)


Pat Bergantin

Production and Communication Assistance
Local Cluster São Paulo (Brazil)
AND Collective participant

Pat Bergantin is a dance artist. As an educator, she is currently dedicated to sharing her practice “Antenna Body”, which recognizes the body as a transmitter, receiver, modulator and translator of forces. Her research works on the perception of body-field, reclaiming relational autonomy and integrating physical, mental and emotional aspects as well as social, ancestral and spiritual ones. She is also a collaborator at AND_Lab’s School of Reparar and works with Modus Operandi AND, an ethical-aesthetical and political methodology for the experimental investigation of relation and reciprocity, created by the anthropologist and brazilian artist Fernanda Eugenio. She is a member of São Paulo AND Lab Cluster and of AND Collective. Some of her latest works as choreographer and dancer are "Mandíbula", "Égua", "Contágio", in collaboration with Josefa Pereira, and "Monstra", by Elisabete Finger and Manuela Eichner. She presented in places such as: Moderna Museet in Sweden (2020), Bienal de Dança SP (2019), Uruguayan International Dance Festival (FIDCU) (2018) and Museum of Modern Art (MAM-SP) (2018). In her trajectory she studied in Venice (Italy), Brussels (Belgium), Havana (Cuba) and NY (USA), and worked with Marta Soares, Jorge Garcia and also in productions of Jerôme Bel, Tino Sehgal, Angie Hiesl & Roland Kaiser and Yvonne Rainer. She graduated in Classical Ballet in Escuela Nacional de Cuba, and holds a degree in Languages and Literature course at University of São Paulo (USP).


Antenna Body is a corporal practice that approaches the body as a connection device, which has the power to capture, transmit, transduce, modulate and tune. Acting in the field of micro-perceptions, it sharpens the senses for what moves (in) our body here-now, reactivating circuits that previously seemed blocked or erased. In order to move with what trespasses through our bodies, either visible, invisible or unpredictable, it is necessary to tune our channel into the perception of body-field, recognizing that there is no crossing without being crossed and that this path demands a circuit handling. 

The continuity of the practice leads to an integration of physical, mental and emotional faculties, as well as social, ancestral and spiritual faculties, and is designed for anyone interested in the proposal, regardless of their experience with dance.

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