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(The AND Lab)


Rita Maia

Administrative Management

Rita Maia - (Cooperativa Menosmuitomais CRL) has a degree in Management, with a specialization in Cultural Management and a postgraduate degree in Event Organization and Management. In 2007, after an eight-year career as Financial Director, she decided to move into the area of cultural management, starting her activity at Associação Cultural Plano B in Porto, where she was the creator of the most diverse initiatives, such as the Festival “se esta rua fosse minha”, the “Mercadinho dos Clérigos”, the extension of IndieLisboa in Porto and multiple concerts and cultural activities. In 2010 she moved to London where she started her project The Portuguese Conspiracy, a program of activities with Portuguese artists. From 2015 to 2018, she was responsible for managing the event space The Pillbox' in London, before returning to Portugal, to work as Executive and Program Coordinator of the municipal project Cultura em Expansão, promoted by the company ÁGORA - Cultura e Desporto, EM . Since September 2021, she started working as a freelancer in the area of project management and cultural production, taking on the production and financial management of different projects (Associação Mundo em Reboliço, Alkantara Festival, Vistacurta Festival, ALLEGRO Festival, among others.).

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