AND Hap | Release of the Book "Protocols of Conviviality: Performance, Pedagogy and Anticolonial Dissidences"
Thu, 31 Oct
|AND Lab Space
by André Rosa | + BACI performance | free entry

General Info
31 Oct 2024, 19:00 – 21:00
AND Lab Space, Av. Infante Dom Henrique 334 Piso 3 Salas 8-10 | Lisbon, Portugal (Metro: 5 min walk | Est. Oriente: 15 min walk)
Collaborative Practices Programme | 'AND Hap' Exhibition
AND Hap | Release of the Book "Protocols of Conviviality: Performance, Pedagogy and Anticolonial Dissidences"
By André Rosa | + Performance BACI
The AND Hap exhibitions constitute temporary meeting areas that periodically open the AND Lab Space to the outside, inviting the public as accomplices and participants in unique situations of sharing what is happening here in terms of creation and research. AND Hap are activated several times a year, hosting, in the form of a happening, different types of events, ranging from open rehearsals and process displays of the residencies hosted in the Space to proposals such as interventions and performances, lectures and conferences, gatherings and parties etc. In addition, we also activate the AND Hap interface to periodically share our emerging artifacts and to mark the beginnings and endings of each season of our programming.
The event brings together the launch of the book "Protocols of conviviality: performance, pedagogy and anti-colonial dissent" and the performance "BACI", both resulting from the research of the Doctorate in Artistic Studies by the researcher André Rosa, held at the University of Coimbra. The book, published by Editora Hucitec, addresses artistic and educational practices that, through the proposition of methodologies in performance and pedagogy, reregister and reconfirm speeches, representations, imaginaries and bodily practices. BACI is a protocol of conviviality that shares the sacred, life and imagination through the act of embracing. In an immersive environment captured by the sound of the heart of the participant during the hug, through sensors and biotechnologies of the scene, the performer offers a dance anchored by the devires and memories that the interlaced bodies moved during the hug.
André Rosa is an actor, dancer, performer and researcher who transits between the body and its pedagogy, technologies and anticolonial knowledge. At the State University of Maringá, he holds the position of Professor of Theater and Director of Culture. Doctorate in Artistic Studies by the University of Coimbra. Master in Performing Arts by PPGAC/ UFBA. Degree in Artistic Education (Theatre and Dance) from UNESP. André has worked for more than 25 years with the performing arts and audiovisual. Founded the Movimento Sem Prega (Brazil/Portugal) and the Núcleo de Estudos e Criação Cênico-Visual (CNPq/UEM), both investigate the cultural, political, spiritual, sexual/genderic and linguistic dimensions, functioning as a nomadic laboratory structure in art, education and technological mediation.
Technical Details:
Creator and Operator of Convivialities: André Rosa
Musician, Sound Technician and Electronic Designer: Pedro Nonimo
Costume Designer: Luciane Trento
Production: Milena Plahtyn
Participation is free and there is no registration form. Just show up :)