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'school of reparar'

Ancestors of The School of Reparar
Fernanda Eugenio & different collaborators on each edition
As a desire to occupy and reorient the "school" format, through a persistence in inhabiting, sharing, experiencing and healing other possible worlds, the School of Reparar is an old dream, which dates back to the first projects designed by Fernanda Eugenio in the early 2000s, when the first formulations of the Modus Operandi AND were made.
The current format of the School of Reparar is anchored in the experience of three previous regular programs offered by AND Lab over the past almost ten years.
The oldest of these ancestors is the program Pensacção (2013-2019), a group of studies that occurred through regular sessions of practice and conversation about Modus Operandi AND. Pensacção has integrated our program in the form of 'meeting seasons' with varying regularities - weekly, biweekly or monthly, depending on the season - for six years. These continued sessions of MO_AND practice were offered both at the headquarters in Lisbon, guided by Fernanda Eugenio and sometimes Ana Dinger, and in the clusters in Brazil and Spain, conducted by the local coordination people, ensuring that there would always be assistance to the group that wanted to join. The core purpose of Pensacção was to function as a regular practice space so that practitioners of Modus Operandi AND could continue the encounter with this tool, meet on a regular basis and, thus, unfold together the ethical-political questions emerging from the distributive and attentive handling between personal affections and the consequent participation in the common environment. It was, therefore, a program aimed mainly at welcoming a community of practitioners - people who, after having come into contact with MO_AND in workshops, labs and schools, wanted to continue their practice. In addition, Pensacção was constantly receiving curious people coming to the AND Lab for the first time, so short introductions were often offered during the sessions as well.
The annual program of AND Summer Schools is the other - and most remarkable - ancestor of the School of Reparar. This program emerged in 2015, with the realization of a 'zero edition' in Lisbon, organized by Fernanda Eugenio and Ana Dinger, Francisco Gaspar Neto and Soraya Jorge as guest speakers. This first incursion was followed, between 2016 and 2019, by four regular editions, every July, hosted by Polo Cultural das Gaivotas. In each edition, different collaborations were invited to walk together with MO_AND. With the duration of two intensive weeks, scheduled with activities in the morning and afternoon, the School was installed as a temporary zone of attention for experiential and collective investigation around a transversal issue, defined every year. Hundreds of participants have experienced this immersive space-time. As the following editions were launched, more and more participants joined the Summer Schools, which slowly indicated that the School needed to spread out and hold an annual calendar - the two summer weeks were really too tight for so much matter and affection.
Having MO_AND as a guiding thread and by counting on the continuous mediation of Fernanda Eugenio, each edition called for the research of improvisation and collective creation in conversation with other tools and practices, setting therefore that edition’s common ground. A recurring support team have emerged with Ana Dinger, Iacã Macerata, and SÃlvia Pinto Coelho, to which Francisco Gaspar Neto, Gustavo CirÃaco, and Soraya Jorge, as well as other occasional collaborators, have also joined in the following editions.
By means of durational experimentation with self and other, and exercises in reciprocity between care of the self and care of the surrounding, the AND Summer Schools sought to generate attention on the consequent processes through which what we do (and, above all, how we do it) does us in return: gestures, words, habits, perspectives, postures, modulations.
The Summer Schools were open to those interested in the re-materialization of crystallized knowledge into inventive and situated knowledge; in the research of politics of coexistence and in an ethics of sufficiency for learning-by-doing, from anywhere.
The regular influx of participants coming from Brazil have firmed a very vivid and powerful affective bridge with different cities in the country, which coincide with the emergence, over those years, of local AND Lab bases in Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. So in 2018, the third remarkable ancestor of the School of Reparar emerged: the itinerant program AND Brazil Summer Labs.
Designed as a compact version of the AND Lisbon Summer School, the labs had a similar format: one intensive week in length; an introduction to MO_AND as start-off; followed by the exploration of a unique issue in each city the labs were held in. The program sought to reinvent, in partnership with local collaborators throughout different cities in Brazil, the conditions for the installation of a temporary zone of attention and research open to all people interested in experimenting with ethical-aesthetic tools for living together. Between 2018 and 2020, seven labs were carried out in two or three cities in Brazil.

2019 |#4 edition: repairing the Irreparable: embodying political-affective practices, exercising sensitive listening and disseminated love.
With Fernanda Eugenio and guest researchers/artists: Ana Dinger, Dani d'Emilia and SÃlvia Pinto Coelho + experimental mini-lab The Insider, with Cristina Maldonado and Fernanda Eugenio.
2018 | #3 edition: ANDbodiment: modes of pre-paration in face of the Irreparable
with Fernanda Eugenio and guest researchers/artists: Ana Dinger, Flora Mariah, Guto Macedo, Milene Duenha, Silvia Pinto Coelho, Soraya Jorge + interlocution with Eduardo Passos, Iacã Macerata, Mariana Ferreira and Ruan Rocha.
2017 I #2 edition: the modes of care: cartographing, performing, curating/healing
with Fernanda Eugenio and guest researchers/artists: Ana Dinger, Francisco Gaspar Neto, Gustavo CirÃaco, Iacã Macerata, SÃlvia Pinto Coelho + final relaxation practice with Anna Marocco.
2016 | #1 edition: in-between-modes of doing: practices of creating body and world, ethical-aesthetic tools, procedures for collaborative improvisation & politics of coexistence
with Fernanda Eugenio and guest researchers/artists: Ana Dinger, Ana Mira, Francisco Gaspar Neto, Gustavo CirÃaco, Mariana Ferreira, SÃlvia Pinto Coelho, Soraya Jorge.
2015 | #0 edition: it and this: the affections and their manifestations
with Fernanda Eugenio and guest researchers/artists: Ana Dinger, Francisco Gaspar Neto and Soraya Jorge.

#3 Edition | Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, 2020:
Rio de Janeiro - February 1 to 7, 2020 | Within the Irreparable, right now: tactics for embodying frankness and feeling firmness, with Fernanda Eugenio + interlocution with Guto Macedo, Iacã Macerata, LetÃcia Barbosa and Mariana Pimentel. Partners: Corposições Collective, Espaço Mova
São Paulo - February 14 to 21, 2020 | In-tensing, inter-wounding: tactics of dis-illusion and de-scission in face of the Irreparable, with Fernanda Eugenio, in dialogue with Naiá Delion, PatrÃcia Bergantin and Julia Salem. Partners: Casa LÃquida.
Curitiba - March 14 to 23, 2020 | (Alter)actions: othering, (re)inventing, worldifying, offering, with Fernanda Eugenio in dialogue with Milene Duenha, Francisco Gaspar Neto and Teatro Secalhar. Partnerships: Ap da 13, Casa Hoffmann, Encosta Residência [cancelled due to covid-19 pandemic].
#2 Edition | Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba e São Paulo, 2019:
Rio de Janeiro - January 26 to 1st of February, 2019 | Listening Body, Fighting Body: tactics of (self)care and communality, with Fernanda Eugenio, in interlocution with Guto Macedo, Iacã Macerata, LetÃcia Barbosa and Mariana Pimentel. Partners: Corposições Collective, Casa-Consultório.
Curitiba - March 16 to 22, 2019 | (Re)routing: tactics of multiplication for bodies and territories, with Fernanda Eugenio, in interlocution with Ana Dinger, Francisco Gaspar Neto and Milene Duenha. Partnership: Casa Quatro Ventos.
São Paulo - March 25 to 30, 2019 | (Dis)appearance, Compearance, Permanence: tactics for taking courage, with Fernanda Eugenio, in interlocution with Ana Dinger, Naiá Delion and PatrÃcia Bergantin. Production: Rafael Petri. Partnership: Espaço Leviatã.
#1 Edition| Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, 2018:
Rio de Janeiro - January 20 to 26, 2018 | Practicing Care and Performing the Common. An encounter between Modus Operandi AND and Practices of Care, with Fernanda Eugenio, in interlocution with Ana Dinger, Guto Macedo, Iacã Macerata, LetÃcia Barbosa, Mariana Borges, Mariana Pimentel and team from Espaço Mova. Partnership: Coletivo Corposições and Espaço Mova
São Paulo - January 29 - February 4, 2018 | Embodying, Happening. Ethical-Aesthetic and Somatic Practices. An encounter between Modus Operandi AND and Authentic Movement, with Fernanda Eugenio and Soraya Jorge, in collaboration with Ana Dinger, Carolina de Nadai and Naiá Delion. Partnership: CondomÃnio Cultural.

Current edition of School +
History of previous editions
Previous Editions of the School of Reparar
[click on the "flyers" to see the edition page and its activities schedule]