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Documentary "AND Lab: Re-membering Ten Years"
by Inês T. Alves
Released in 2022
AND Lab: Re-Membering 10 Years
Documentary of Inês T. Alves
It's 2021 and the AND Lab, an artisanal artistic research structure operating at the crossroads between the arts, critical thinking, embodied practices and undisciplined/indisciplinary somatic-political pedagogies, will complete ten years of existence in Portugal. This remarkable date takes place more or less along with almost twenty years of the AND Operative Mode as Fernanda Eugenio's continued research on relational com-position policies and intimate and collective care-curatorship of the common.
In this year of re-membering - remembering and remembering - the structure finds itself grappling with the challenge of resuming face-to-face activities (after a long period in online mode due to the pandemic), at the same time rehearsing a move from the city to the field, in a more direct relationship with the land.
The documentary accompanies the realization of a first edition of the LANDscape course-retreat within the scope of the School of Reparar, going through the different games and propositions that make up the constellation of practices of the Modus Operandi AND invented in the last ten years.
Testimonials and testimonies from the network of AND Lab collaborators in Portugal and Brazil are interspersed.
Realization, image, direct sound and editing
Inês T. Alves
sound editing
Arthur Moura
Translation to English
Ana Dinger
Translation review
José Roseira
Testimonials, Interviews, Speeches
Direction AND Lab
Fernanda Eugenio (Lisbon)
AND Collective
Flora Mariah (Lisbon)
Guto Macedo (Rio de Janeiro)
Iacan Macerata (Rio de Janeiro)
Manoela Rangel (Sao Paulo and Berlin)
Mariana Pimentel (Rio de Janeiro)
Milene Duenha (Curitiba)
Naia Delion (Sao Paulo)
Pat Bergantin (Sao Paulo)
Ruan Rocha (Lisbon)
Extensive Collaborations
Ana Dinger (Lisbon)
Mariana Ferreira (Lisbon)
Silvia Pinto Coelho (Lisbon)
Soraya Jorge (Rio de Janeiro)
Other Collaborations
Alina Duchrow (Brasilia and Rabat)
Bernardo Chatillon (Barril de Alva and Berlin)
Carlos Oliveira (Lisbon)
Erika Kobayashi (Sao Paulo)
Liliana Coutinho (Lisbon)
Archive footage
And Intensive, AND Lab Project 2011, alkantara space, Lisbon, images and editing by Waléria Américo
Secalharidade conference-performance, Culturgest/Festival alkantara 2012, Lisbon, images and editing by Pedro Filipe Marques
Summer School AND Lisbon 2016, images and editing by Joana Maia
Summer School AND Lisboa 2017, images by Andrea Capella and Renato Japi, edited by Pedro Henrique Risse
Summer School AND Lisbon 2018, images and editing by Ana Luiza Braga
Summer School AND Lisbon 2019, images by Olivia Pedroso and Joana Maia, edited by Olivia Pedroso
Summer Lab AND Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2018, images and editing by Michel Schettert
Summer Lab AND Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2019, images and editing by Gabriela Jung
Summer Lab AND Brazil Rio de Janeiro 2020, images and editing by Gabriela Jung
Summer Lab AND Brazil São Paulo 2018, images and editing by Alexandre Lima
Summer Lab AND Brasil São Paulo 2019, images and editing by Iago Matti
Summer Lab AND Brasil São Paulo 2020, images by Pat Bergantin, Manoela Rangel, Dani d’Emilia and editing by Manuela Libman
Summer Lab AND Brazil Curitiba 2019, images by Ana Dinger and editing by Pedro Henrique Risse
Filmed during the LANDscape Portugal course-retreat, part of the "Escola do Reparar 2021 - Re-membering: (Dis)integration and Curating the Irreparable" program
Barril de Alva, August 2021
Design, coordination and guidance
Fernanda Eugenio
Support and facilitation team
Manoela Rangel, Ruan Rocha, Bernardo Chatillon, Flora Mariah
Alina Duchrow, Aleksandra Valieva, Ana Dinger, Camila Ganc, Daniel Pizamiglio, Erika Kobayashi, Guida Marques, Inês T. Alves, Léa Raulin Briot, Mafalda Jacinto, Mariana Ferreira, Mariella Mars, Sarah Amsler, Teresa Madeira
Institutional partnership
Cultural Promotion Fund / Guarantee Culture / Portuguese Republic – Ministry of Culture
Trust Collective
An initiative of
AND Lab | Art-Thought & Coexistence Policies

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