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(O AND Lab)


Ruan Rocha

Equipa Acompanhamento e Cuidado
Participante do Coletivo AND

Ruan Rocha é psicólogo clínico, da saúde e institucional. É licenciado pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (2014). Desde 2017 atua como colaborador do AND Lab Lisboa, desenvolvendo projetos de pesquisa e intervenção na intersecção entre o Modo Operativo AND e práticas de cuidado. Atualmente é membro do AND Collective e do projeto colaborativo MO_AND + Clínica e Cuidado, e também colabora com a Escola do Reparar. Atua na pesquisa, no desenvolvimento e na concepção de ferramentas de cuidado-curadoria em colaboração com Iacã Macerata e Fernanda Eugenio, como o hANDling Escuta Individual e as Práticas de Fala e Escuta: Jogo Conversa. Desenvolve intervenções de Aconselhamento e Apoio Institucional junto ao AND Lab. É especialista em Atenção Primária à Saúde (Saúde da Família), pela Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) (2017). Atuou nos últimos anos em frentes eminentemente preventivas e assistenciais nas políticas públicas de saúde em periferia do município do Rio de Janeiro, dedicando-se ao acolhimento e ao cuidado em saúde, tanto dos profissionais de saúde quanto das populações sobre as quais tinha responsabilidade sanitária. Trabalhou em equipa multiprofissional, articulando e qualificando o processo de trabalho e a rede de cuidado, buscando intervir em arranjos (micro)institucionais de modo a potencializar e performar um cuidado transversal. Aposta nas dimensões éticas, estéticas e políticas do seu fazer profissional.


Ruan Rocha

Monitoring and Care team
AND Collective participant

Ruan Rocha is a clinical, health and institutional psychologist, licensed by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ-2014). Since 2017 he has worked and collaborated with AND Lab Lisbon, developing projects in the intersection between Modus Operandi AND and practices of care. He is currently a member of AND Collective and the collaborative project MO_AND + Clinic and Care and also collaborates in the School of Reparar. He has collaborated with Fernanda Eugenio and Iacã Macerata in the research, development and conception of care-curation tools and devices, such as hANDling Individual Listening and Speaking and Listening Practices: Conversation Game. He also works in AND Lab’s Institutional Support and as a Project Advisor. He is a Primary Health Care Specialist, licensed by the National School of Public Health (ENSP/FIOCRUZ-2017). From 2015 to 2017 he developed interdisciplinary projects in the field of primary health care for a socially and economically vulnerable population in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro. The projects were designed on a team work basis and were strongly oriented by an ethical-aesthetic-political perspective. He also developed institutional interventions aiming to strengthen the local healthcare network. He provided counseling and technical support for primary healthcare workers.


It is a device to repair sensitive experience, through the three modulations of repair: delimiting a space for the expression of lived experience (in life or in AND games); repair and unfold this experience (what, how, where/when); make repairs, the (com)position(with) of the experience lived in the present moment, through the game of conversation. This work is offered by clinical psychologists who practice and research the care dimension of the experience present in MO_AND. It consists of one-to-one sessions of listening, welcoming, unfolding and weaving together the way in which each person experienced the practice and its effects on the subjective experience.

The Practices of Care consists of the experiential investigation of the applications of MO_AND in Clinical practices with the subjectivity and, reciprocally, in the explicitation of the dimension of care and clinical sense inherent in the exercise of MO_AND. They unfold from the interest in investigating the effects of care and the production of subjectivity present in the practices of MO_AND, experiencing the potential modulation of the materiality of subjective functioning, as well as performing a sensitive and situated approach to subjectivity as corporeality.

Traditionally used to produce sense-meaning, care practices are here re-generated to produce a sense-direction of creation and co-implication between the care of the self and the care of the geographic, social, and political environment. To the extent that they emerge as a modulation of living together, they (re)perform the self and the surroundings in a co-emergent way, turning themselves into a policy of reciprocity in the relationship with the Event: they decentre the narrative of the subject that explains or is explained, allowing a transfer of protagonism to the event. The Care Practices thus reposition the subject from the plane of the explicable to the plane of the unexplainable, therefore to the plane of implication.

The Individual Listening-Game is a research practice and has been simultaneously constituted as a practice of care that adopts the Modus Operandi AND as a modulator of listening. This game is practiced based on a given experience participants have had while practicing MO_AND. It is aimed at regular or sporadic practitioners of MO_AND, provided they have had previous contact with the methodology. The Listening-Game is inspired by the methodology of the cartographic interview, in order to co-produce a sensitive experience based on a situation experienced during a given game. It adopts the Reparar (in) the experience, exploring its What, How, When-Where. The Listening-Game consists of a game of position-with the subjective contents mobilized in play. It can be initiated at any moment by any practitioner of MO_AND.

The Conversation-Game is an experiential research proposition that adopts the Modus Operandi AND as modulator of the Conversation, turning it into a game. It turns out to be an unfolding of the board plan to the conversation plan, whose limits are no longer physically traced by a tape, but felt by the tangibility of speech and listening. The Conversation-Game aims to research the different modulations of speaking and listening, and how they contribute to the constitution of a conversation as the plane of conviviality. In the Conversation-Game, speaking is performed as a position, and listening, as Reparar, engendering the common ground as made by speech and listening. As a research practice, it is inscribed as a tool for group practices of care and can be practiced together with the propositions of the AND Lab, in courses, workshops and laboratories.

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